AdMaCom Kick-Off: Advanced Material Startups meet in Berlin
As their first big internationally visible activity, the Innovation Network for Advanced Materials (INAM) will hold the Advanced Materials Competition (AdMaCom), which is a six-week workshop from August 28th to October 10th, 2016, for developing innovative product concepts with international start-ups.
Established large companies like OSRAM, LG, Ledvance, and Henkel will provide the technological infrastructure and know-how and/or sponsor money. The 15 participating Berlin and international start-ups will take advantage of this to improve their existing products and create new product concepts.
The participants will be able to draw upon the expertise of mentors from renowned international research facilities and industrial companies like LG Technology Center Europe, BASF Ventures, the London School of Economics, the Imperial College London as well as from Berlin like OSRAM, Direct Photonics Industries, Specs Nano Surface Analytics, Fab Lab Berlin, the Humboldt University’s IRIS Adlershof, Humboldt Innovation, ESMT, WISTA and Berlin Partner. Berlin should be visualized as an international high tech location not only for start-ups but also for innovative departments from large companies.
AdMaCom is being held under the patronage of the governing Mayor of Berlin.
Additional Information
Dr. Nikolai Puhlmann
Geschäftsführer von IRIS Adlershof und Interims-Vorstand von INAM
Phone: 030 2093-66352