The aim to provide brain tumor patients with the best care possible
MagForce hosts practice-oriented application training for the use of the NanoTherm therapy system in treating brain tumors and intends to increase the availability of the therapy

With “Module B – Advanced Course 1: - stereotactic Instillation” MagForce AG conducted the second round of its ‘NanoTherm School’ in November. The application training series was launched in January 2019 to provide the highest quality of treatment through ongoing support for physicians and certify surgeons in the use of the innovative NanoTherm technology. Same as the first session, “Module A – The Basics”, which took place at the end of January 2019, Module B, focusing on advanced techniques, was met with great excitement from participants.
The NanoTherm School is part of MagForce’s roll-out strategy focusing on a broad geographic coverage to provide greater availability while also constantly working on further optimizing its therapy system and educating medical professionals in its use to provide brain tumor patients with the best care possible. The training concept of NanoTherm School was developed in close collaboration with Prof. Dr. Walter Stummer, PD Dr. Dr. Oliver Grauer, and Dr. Michael Schwake, University Hospital Münster, and PD Dr. Johannes Wölfer, Hufeland Klinikum GmbH Mühlhausen, drawing on their long-standing experience in the treatment of brain tumor patients with the NanoTherm therapy system.
Participants again included the team of Prof. Dr. med. habil. Jan-Peter Warnke, Senior Consultant in the Neurosurgical Clinic at the Paracelsus Clinic in Zwickau, with whom MagForce entered into a cooperation agreement in June 2019. Installation of the mobile treatment center was completed in summer. The NanoActivator is now ready for use at the clinic after receipt of final approval and and is now available for the treatment of patients with brain tumors.
About NanoTherm School
Targeted towards medical professionals working in the fields of neuro-surgery and neuro-oncology, the NanoTherm Therapy School series aims at introducing participants to the theoretical knowledge and practical techniques required to successfully apply MagForce's NanoTherm technology for the treatment of brain tumors. In practicing their skills with human specimens, participants are able to familiarize themselves with the procedures and device usages in a stress-free environment under largely real operating conditions.
The NanoTherm School is designed in three consecutive modules allowing participants to gain knowledge and understanding of MagForce’s NanoTherm technology starting from basic application techniques (nanopasting) and building to advanced techniques and new surgical application forms in the final module (Module C). The practical section of the course is complemented by lectures on directly relevant aspects of NanoTherm therapy, as well as sample preparation and surgical videos. The equipment and facilities used during the course meet the requirements of today's state-of-the-art surgical equipment.
For more information about NanoTherm School, please contact:
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hanitsch (thanitsch(at)
Marcel Pilz (mpilz(at)
About MagForce AG and MagForce USA, Inc.
MagForce AG, listed in the Scale segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (MF6, ISIN: DE000A0HGQF5), together with its subsidiary MagForce USA, Inc. is a leading medical device company in the field of nanomedicine focused on oncology. The Group's proprietary NanoTherm therapy system enables the targeted treatment of solid tumors through the intratumoral generation of heat via activation of superparamagnetic nanoparticles.
NanoTherm®, NanoPlan®, and NanoActivator® are components of the therapy and have received EU-wide regulatory approval as medical devices for the treatment of brain tumors. MagForce, NanoTherm, NanoPlan, and NanoActivator are trademarks of MagForce AG in selected countries.
More about the technology: video (YouTube)
Further information:
MagForce AG
Max-Planck-Straße 3
12489 Berlin
Barbara von Frankenberg
VP Communications & Investor Relations
Phone: +49 30 308380-77