Adlershof company TIWARI offers online service for 3D printing of metals and ceramics
RAPTOR technology enables cost-effective 3D printing
TIWARI Scientific Instruments is a hardware-oriented company, currently incubated
by the European Space Agency (ESA), and aiming at leveraging their strong connection to the Space industry for accelerating technological development on the Earth. They have offices in Darmstadt and in Berlin-Adlershof, and are aiming at making high-performance 3D-printed metals and ceramic parts available at affordable prices through their 3D-printed technology they call RAPTOR.
RAPTOR works with conventional plastic printers (albeit modified) and uses specially-fabricated filaments of metals and ceramics mixed with plastic. The plastic aids in the low temperature printing of parts – just like with any plastic printer – and the parts are then subsequently heat treated at high temperatures to eliminate the binder and compact the loose metal/ceramic compound. The result is a high-density part whose properties are comparable with other manufacturing technologies. TIWARI has extensively qualified the technology with the help of European Space Agency and aim at commercialising the technology for industrial applications.
TIWARI recently launched an online service for 3D printing of metals and ceramics. The online tool enables users to upload their own design and select the desired material, including an immediate cost estimate.
Further information about TIWARI's technology:
3D printing Online-Tool:
Tiwari Scientific Instruments GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 29
12489 Berlin